Email Etiquette for 2025: Navigating the New Normal

Once upon a time, I wrote a list of email etiquette rules to help train junior members of my team. That list went on to be one of my most viewed LinkedIn articles.

But it’s 2025, and the times – they are a changin’. So I figured I’d take another crack at the topic, this time with special emphasis on AI. What’s cool and what’s not. 

Without further ado, here’s how to stay on top of email etiquette in 2025:

1. Subject Lines Matter More Than Ever

Your subject line should be concise and action-oriented. With inboxes more crowded than ever, the rise of AI-driven email filters means a strong, clear subject line can determine if your message gets prioritized—or lost. For instance, “Q3 Strategy Meeting Follow-Up: Action Items” is getting a lot more attention than “Meeting Recap.”

2. Be Mindful of Timing

With more people embracing flexible work schedules in 2025, timing is key. Avoid sending emails outside regular business hours unless it's urgent. Many companies now implement AI tools that suggest the optimal times to send emails based on recipients’ activity patterns and OOO dates. Pay attention to these insights to increase the chances of timely responses.

3. AI-Enhanced Personalization

In 2025, AI tools are being used not just to draft emails but also to personalize them. Whether it's automating a client’s name into the email or summarizing their last interaction with your company, AI can make personalization easier. But please proceed with caution. It’s imperative you review these emails manually to ensure they don’t sound robotic. A personalized touch still goes a long way in making people feel valued, but a weird AI-simulated faux moment of connection will get you remembered forever – not in a good way.

4. The Rise of AI in Email Writing

By 2025, tools like Grammarly, Jasper, and ChatGPT have become more advanced, offering real-time grammar corrections, content suggestions, and tone adjustments. This means fewer spelling mistakes and clearer messages. However, relying too heavily on AI can strip away authenticity. Always review AI-suggested text to ensure it aligns with your voice and the relationship you have with your recipient. For example, AI might draft a perfectly polished response, but without your human touch, it could lack warmth.

5. Reply All, But Sparingly

It’s 2025, and yet, this golden rule persists: don’t abuse the “Reply All” button. Many emails today are sent through AI-powered collaborative platforms that streamline team communication. Still, not every member on a long CC list needs to be involved in every email thread. Use discretion and avoid cluttering inboxes unnecessarily.

6. Clarity and Brevity Rule

As attention spans dwindle and inboxes swell, brevity is king. AI tools can help summarize your emails, but the responsibility of clear communication lies with you. Aim for no more than three short paragraphs, and if more detail is needed, include a bullet-point list or link to an internal document.

7. Check Your Tone with AI

AI tools can now analyze your email’s tone in real-time, ensuring you're neither too formal nor too casual. These tone-checkers are particularly useful in high-stakes or cross-cultural communications. Make sure your message is assertive but not aggressive—neutral but not cold.

8. Include a Call to Action

Whether you’re following up on a meeting, sharing a report, or asking for feedback, include a clear call to action (CTA). AI-driven tools can suggest CTAs based on the content of your email, but you should ensure it’s clear what you expect from the recipient. For example, “Please confirm your availability by EOD Friday” beats “Let me know what you think” every time.

9. The Paper Trail Has Gone Digital

In 2025, most correspondence is automatically logged and integrated into CRM systems or project management tools via AI. This digital paper trail ensures that all necessary parties can reference past communications quickly. Ensure that your emails, especially those involving decisions, agreements, or key discussions, are clear and well-documented to avoid misunderstandings. And know that your messages could be visible to more than just those on CC.

10. Thank Yous Go a Long Way

Despite the rise of automation, gratitude still feels best when it’s human. After meetings or important collaborations, send a personalized thank-you note. While AI can help you schedule or draft these notes, take a moment to add a personal touch—mentioning specifics from your conversation can deepen relationships.

New Section: AI in Emails—Your New Best Friend or Foe?

In 2025, AI is integral to email communications. AI assistants can:

  • Draft entire emails based on a few keywords.

  • Analyze previous conversations to recommend tone and content.

  • Schedule emails for optimal open times.

  • Manage inboxes by prioritizing important emails and auto-responding to the rest.

While these tools are incredibly helpful, they come with a few caveats:

  • Don’t Over-Automate: Over-reliance on AI can make your emails feel impersonal. A balance is crucial—let AI handle mundane tasks like scheduling or prioritizing, but ensure that your important emails maintain a human voice.

  • Proofread Everything: AI is not infallible. Always proofread AI-drafted emails to catch nuances that might be lost in translation. A message may be grammatically perfect, but if the tone is off, it can create misunderstandings.

  • Stay Transparent: Be honest with your recipients if you’re using AI for specific tasks like scheduling meetings. Transparency builds trust, especially as AI tools become more sophisticated.

What did I miss? Send an email to to share your tips.


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