How government buys
Federal and state governments have larger budgets than ever, which means there are more suppliers and vendors than ever hoping to earn some of that business.
Find out how government budget owners find, evaluate, and select new vendors in the digital era in Lumino’s exclusive report based on survey data from government budget decision-makers.

The government buyer journey is digital
Our exclusive survey of government budget decision-makers found that a supplier’s digital presence plays a key role in RFP selection. Some surprising stats:
Two-thirds of government budget owners say they find new vendors to invite to an RFP by searching for the company’s website.
Over half of government budget owners say that a vendor’s online presence heavily matters in the selection of an RFP winner.
More than 4 out of 5 government budget owners will look at the personal LinkedIn profiles of vendor employees involved in the RFP process.
Stop wondering how government budget owners find new vendors. Get the answers you need to grow your government contracting business today.

The report is organized as follows to answer the following questions:
Section 1: Budget Allocation
Who makes decisions and when?
How do budget decision makers prioritize spending?
Section 2: Vendor Discovery & Communication
How do they find new vendors?
How do they prefer to communicate with vendors?
Section 3: Vendor Vetting & Selection
How do they choose the right vendor?
Is a digital presence a factor in RFP selection?
Section 4: Trade Shows
Why do they attend?
How do they want to engage with vendors?
Section 5: Social Media Habits
What social networks do they use?
Why do they use social media?
Explore the Data
What does this mean for your business?
Schedule a FREE one-on-one consultation to understand how you can use these insights to win more government contracts. Get in touch to learn more!
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About the Author
Jenny Karn is a seasoned digital marketer with a passion for helping government contractors grow their business. She understands the importance of relationships in the public sector and the sensitive considerations that come with contracting. She applies proven private sector marketing strategies to government marketing efforts to get big results. She and the Lumino team commissioned this survey to better understand government buyers.
Lumino commissioned an independent research agency to survey 200 government budget owners (100 federal and 100 state/local government) about how they find, evaluate, and select new vendors.
The survey was conducted online in December 2023.
The margin of error for this study is +/-7% at the 95% confidence level.
All respondents:
Work in federal or state/local government
Are involved in budget decisions
Are a manager or above