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Wikipedia Consulting

Lumino can guide you through even the most difficult Wikipedia engagements


Feeling lost at sea when it comes to navigating Wikipedia? Tired of engaging on the site only to run into pitfalls, having progress stalled, or getting punished for unspecified rule breaking?

You're not alone. Many brands and organizations are interested in creating new articles about themselves and updating existing ones. Confusion remains, though, about how best to contribute to the site, especially as the editorial guidelines that shape content seem to have shifted considerably in recent years.


Good News

Lumino can guide you through even the most difficult Wikipedia engagements while staying completely in-line with the site’s guidelines.

Our Wikipedia consulting team has been working on the site for nearly 15 years and during that time we’ve partnered with Fortune 500 companies, the world’s top PR firms, politicians and executives, global foundations, and many more. We're the absolute best agency in the world at handling Wikipedia and related sites, and when you need expert advice, you shouldn't accept subpar alternatives.


We can help with:

  1. Article Creation

  2. Updating Outdated Articles

  3. Engaging with Wikipedia’s Editors

  4. Reflecting Mergers, Acquisitions and other major business developments

  5. Training your team and implementing Wikipedia into your service offerings


Additional Resources

The best way to learn the right way to work on Wikipedia in your specific situation is to book a call with us and, in the meantime, check out our Wikipedia resource library to learn more.

  • Sign up for our 8-part Wikipedia Newsletter that covers all the basics in detail over 8 weeks

  • Check out our Wikipedia Resources page, featuring a list of most helpful Wikipedia rules and links as ranked by our clients

  • Check out our blog where we cover niche Wikipedia topics in depth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)