The Latest Blog Posts From Lumino
How to Claim Your Brand's Knowledge Panel
This may sound obvious, but: Claiming your knowledge panel is really important! There are few pieces of internet real estate as important for your brand as that small box, because it's exactly where customers, clients, investors, and even journalists are going to look for facts about your business, from website url to social media accounts to annual revenue and more.
Your Brand's Digital Presence is More Than SEO
Companies use SEO because they want to improve their online search presence, but for larger brands and national brands, many components of first-page search results are not impacted by SEO.
Google Knowledge Panel 101
Your organization’s Google Knowledge Panel entry is arguably the most important real estate on the web. This little box appears at the top right of all Google results related to your brand name. The Knowledge Panel is always above the fold and can often appear far more prominently than your website or other organic results. As such, it's the first thing customers, clients, investors, and journalists are going to see when they search for you.
Do Glassdoor reviews really matter?
Almost 50 percent of job seekers check Glassdoor at some point during job searches, and that number is especially high for companies in tech, marketing, and other digital industries.
The site also shows up prominently in Google search results, so it’s an important part of your digital footprint.
Robot vs. researcher for digital monitoring?
When people search for your brand online or on social, what do they see? Is it your website? Your newest demo video? Or is it complaints about your product? Negative Glassdoor posts about your CEO? You don’t want to be caught by surprise when it comes to your brand’s digital presence, which is why it’s important to proactively monitor your mentions and other relevant chatter.
Shopping for this support can be a challenge, but this guide will help you assess what makes the most sense for your needs.