The Latest Blog Posts From Lumino
Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet: Actionable Recommendations for B2G Success
If you’re a government contractor looking to make 2025 your breakout year, there’s no time like the present to shake up your approach. Ahead, we highlight some of the trends we’re seeing and, importantly, how to improve your sales and marketing efforts. Read on to avoid those pitfalls and put yourself on the fast track to winning more contracts.
How Government Budget Owners Use Social Media in 2024
Are you ready to decode the mysteries of social media habits among government budget owners? Lumino Digital's latest survey dives deep into how and why government employees utilize social media platforms today. Let's take a closer look at the data and uncover actionable strategies to leverage social media for your business growth in the public sector.
Unleashing the Power of Trade Shows: A Blueprint for Government Contracting Success
In the world of government contracting, trade shows have long been considered critical to growing your business. These events are beacons of opportunity, where innovation, collaboration, and growth converge.
But what do government employees think about trade shows? Do they still plan to attend? Are they looking for new vendors when they do? We wanted to find out. So we commissioned an independent research agency to conduct a survey of government budget decision-makers — representing both federal and state/local government — to learn about trade show preferences.
Navigating the Maze of Vendor Vetting and Selection: Insights from Government Budget Owners
Lumino Digital's latest survey unveils the secrets behind how government budget owners choose the right vendors and underscores the critical importance of digital reputation in the decision-making process.
Let's dive into the data and explore actionable strategies to elevate your chances of success in government contracting.
Unveiling the Path to Vendor Discovery: Insights from Government Budget Owners
Are you ready to unlock the secrets to vendor discovery and communication in the ever-evolving world of government procurement? Lumino Digital's exclusive survey offers a treasure trove of insights into how government budget owners find and engage with new vendors. Let's dive into the data and uncover actionable strategies to propel your business forward.